Adventures in SEO

Usage Instruction

Getting Started

(Assuming you know what Jekyll and Github pages are.)

  • Download this theme’s zip file from here or clone the repository using git clone If you are cloning, then make sure to delete the gh-pages branch as it includes the files for the theme website.

  • Install ruby and then do gem install jekyll. This theme uses the latest jekyll version. So if you already have it installed, then upgrade it.

  • _config.yml describes all the variables which you are required to set. The description begins with double hash(##). And the value to be set is commented below it using #.

  • Edit _config.yml according to your requirements.
    • name : Your website name
    • disqus : disqusForumName If this value is present, disqus commenting will be automatically added to all your blog posts.
    • ga_id : googleAnalyticsID If this value is present, google analytics will be added to your website/blog. If ga_id is present, make sure that ga_domain is also present.
    • description: A short description of your website to be included in meta tag of your homepage
    • keywords : a few frequently used keywords on your site
    • links : This vriable has a few commonly used social networks’ links
      • facebook: facebookId
      • twitter : twitterHandle
      • email:
      • github: githubUsername
    • about_image: This is a new variable introduced. If defined, make sure the image is present in img directory. If not defined, a provided placeholder image is used. ** If github link is provided in links variable, then the github profile picture will be used if about_image is not defined.
  • After setting the values in _config.yml, you can start adding posts in the _posts directory. Remove the example posts from the directory. The name of files in this directory should be according to specifications by jekyll, i.e, Note that the file name extenion can be anything from md, markdown, mkd, textile or html.

  • Replace the image files favicon.png and sharer.png with images of your own.

  • Test the site on local machine using jekyll serve in the theme directory.

  • If all works well, git push your changes to your github pages repository

  • Then visit your blog at

  • If you want to use a custom domain, then edit the CNAME file and add your own domain Make sure your domain points to github ip address.